2nd deptuy of the gender equality representatitve ("Frauenbeauftragte")
Since October 2017
Professsor (W2) for Chemistry (since January 2021 permanent), associated to the elite-study Master course SynCat of the Elite Network Bavaria (ENB)
November 2012 -October 2017
Junior research group leader (Liebig stipend from Nov. 2012-June 2014, since July 2014 Emmy- Noether- group leader) at the Unversity Hamburg, Chemistry
Since October 2017
Professsor (W2) for Chemistry (since January 2021 permanent), associated to the elite-
November 2012 -
Junior research group leader (Liebig stipend from Nov. 2012-
May 2009 –May 2012
Research Associate at the POC, Cardiff University (UK), in group of Prof. Barry K. Carpenter.
Studies evolved around the experimental and computational analysis of non-statistical dynamic effects of highly reactive intermediates, i.e. the Wolff rearrangemnet and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddtions.
August 2005–March 2009
PhD with highest honors at the TU Dortmund in the group of Prof. Martin Hiersemann.
Research Associate at the POC, Cardiff University (UK), in group of Prof. Barry K. Carpenter.
Studies evolved around the experimental and computational analysis of non-statistical dynamic effects of highly reactive intermediates, i.e. the Wolff rearrangemnet and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddtions.
August 2005–March 2009
PhD with highest honors at the TU Dortmund in the group of Prof. Martin Hiersemann.
Main topic of the thesis: the aliphatic Claisen rearrangement:
(a) combined comutational and experimental work on substituent and solvent effects on the reaction rate of the uncatalysed Gosteli-Claisen rearrangement.
(b) development of an organocatalysed Gosteli-Claisen rearrangement.
(c) Studies to elucidate the catalytic cycle of the Cu(II)-catalysed Gosteli−Claisen rearrangement via DFT calculations and in situ IR-spectroscopy.
Diplom in Chemistry with the grade "very good" („sehr gut“)
Dipoloma thesis at the TU Dresden ("Substituenten und Lösungsmitteleinflüsse auf die Umlagerungsgeschwindigkeit von 2-alkoxycarbonyl-substituierten Allylvinylethern") under the guidance of Prof. Martin Hiersemann
Studying Chemistry at the TU Dresden
(a) combined comutational and experimental work on substituent and solvent effects on the reaction rate of the uncatalysed Gosteli-Claisen rearrangement.
(b) development of an organocatalysed Gosteli-Claisen rearrangement.
(c) Studies to elucidate the catalytic cycle of the Cu(II)-catalysed Gosteli−Claisen rearrangement via DFT calculations and in situ IR-spectroscopy.
Diplom in Chemistry with the grade "very good" („sehr gut“)
Dipoloma thesis at the TU Dresden ("Substituenten und Lösungsmitteleinflüsse auf die Umlagerungsgeschwindigkeit von 2-
Studying Chemistry at the TU Dresden
For all who love (biased) metric: H-index score (Oct 2023, Google Scholar)

Research interests:
mechanistic analysis of non-MEP behaviour
funny radicals (EPR-spectroscopy) and
all kinds of peculiar chemical behaviour.
We make use of computational chemistry (BOMD, QM, MM-MD,...)
and experimental tools (ns-pump-probe, EPR, classical POC methods...) with the aim to understand,
the how and the why molecules undergo the transformations they do and
to then harness that knowledge to develop our models of predicitons further.
Academic Organization Work & Communal Engangement
@ UR
- regular member of exam boards (PhD) and serach commitees for professorships in Chemistry, Pharmacy and Informatics
- official member of the steering board of the TR-CRC 325
- central role in the RTG 'ion pairs'
- SynCat-
study advisor and scientific interviews within the application process
2020/2021 Member of the GDCH commitee for revising the BSc Chemistry study recommendations in Germany
Dez. 2016 Organisation des 2. Computerchemie-Symposiums der UHH zusammen mit Tobias Schwabe (Informationen)
Sep. 2015 Organisation des 24. Nachwuchswissenschaftler Symposiums Bioorganische Chemie (gemeinschaftlich mit Prof. Malte Brasholz; Hamburg, 23. - 25.9.; Informationen)
Dez. 2014 Initiation und Organisation des 1. Computerchemie- Symposiums der UHH (Informationen)
März 2014 Diskussionspartnerin im "Grips Gewinnt- Stipendienprogramm" der Joachim Herz Stiftung
Dez. 2016 Organisation des 2. Computerchemie-
Sep. 2015 Organisation des 24. Nachwuchswissenschaftler Symposiums Bioorganische Chemie (gemeinschaftlich mit Prof. Malte Brasholz; Hamburg, 23. -
Dez. 2014 Initiation und Organisation des 1. Computerchemie-
März 2014 Diskussionspartnerin im "Grips Gewinnt-
During the whole time at the UHH: Organisation des OC-Kolloquiums (gemeinschaftlich mit Prof. Malte Brasholz)
Awards & Support
call (W2, tenure track) at the Universität Regensburg (accepted)
call (W2, permanent) at the TU Kaiserlautern (declined)
March accpeted to the Agathe-Lash -Coaching program at the UHH
September Oral Presentation Award by Wiley-VCH during the "Bio- Organic cheminstry conference in Tübingen
März Acceptance to the Emmy-Noether program of the DFG, July 2014 - July 2018
Januar Thieme Journal Award
November Liebig Stipend for habilitation (FCI)